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Электронный каталог: Cope, M. - The seven Cs of consulting: the definitive guide to the consulting process
Cope, M. - The seven Cs of consulting: the definitive guide to the consulting process
Автор: Cope, M.
The seven Cs of consulting: the definitive guide to the consulting process
Издательство: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2003 г.
ISBN 0-273-66333-X
Автор: Cope, M.
The seven Cs of consulting: the definitive guide to the consulting process
Издательство: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2003 г.
ISBN 0-273-66333-X
334 C78
Cope, M.
The seven Cs of consulting: the definitive guide to the consulting process / M. Cope . – 2nd ed . – London : Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2003 . – 296 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 0-273-66333-X .
Общий = Бизнес. Предпринимательство
334 C78
Cope, M.
The seven Cs of consulting: the definitive guide to the consulting process / M. Cope . – 2nd ed . – London : Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2003 . – 296 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 0-273-66333-X .
Общий = Бизнес. Предпринимательство
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