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Электронный каталог: Credit derivatives : a primer on credit risk, modeling, and instruments
Credit derivatives : a primer on credit risk, modeling, and instruments
Credit derivatives : a primer on credit risk, modeling, and instruments
Издательство: Wharton School Pub./ Pearson, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-13-146744-1
Credit derivatives : a primer on credit risk, modeling, and instruments
Издательство: Wharton School Pub./ Pearson, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-13-146744-1
336 C88
Credit derivatives : a primer on credit risk, modeling, and instruments / G. Chacko, A. Sjöman, H. Motohashi, V. Dessain . – : Wharton School Pub./ Pearson, 2006 . – 256 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 0-13-146744-1 .
General = Finance. Banks. Credit. Stock Market
336 C88
Credit derivatives : a primer on credit risk, modeling, and instruments / G. Chacko, A. Sjöman, H. Motohashi, V. Dessain . – : Wharton School Pub./ Pearson, 2006 . – 256 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 0-13-146744-1 .
General = Finance. Banks. Credit. Stock Market
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