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Электронный каталог: The modern concept of confederation. / Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Santorini o...
The modern concept of confederation. / Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Santorini o...
The modern concept of confederation. / Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Santorini o...
Серия: Collection "Science and technique of democracy"
Издательство: Council of Europe Publishing, 1995 г.
ISBN 92-871-2803-0
The modern concept of confederation. / Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Santorini o...
Серия: Collection "Science and technique of democracy"
Издательство: Council of Europe Publishing, 1995 г.
ISBN 92-871-2803-0
The modern concept of confederation. / Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Santorini on 22-25 Semptember 1994 on co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece . – [б. м.] Council of Europe Publishing, 1995 . – 158 p. – (Collection "Science and technique of democracy" ; № 11) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 92-871-2803-0 .
Право : Государственное право. Государственная власть : Федерализм. Федеративная система. Конфедерация
Коллекции = Коллекция Конституционного Суда
The modern concept of confederation. / Proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Santorini on 22-25 Semptember 1994 on co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece . – [б. м.] Council of Europe Publishing, 1995 . – 158 p. – (Collection "Science and technique of democracy" ; № 11) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 92-871-2803-0 .
Право : Государственное право. Государственная власть : Федерализм. Федеративная система. Конфедерация
Коллекции = Коллекция Конституционного Суда