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Электронный каталог: McQuiston, L. - Graphic agitation 2: social and political graphics in the digital age
McQuiston, L. - Graphic agitation 2: social and political graphics in the digital age
Автор: McQuiston, L.
Graphic agitation 2: social and political graphics in the digital age
Издательство: Phaidon, 2004 г.
ISBN 9780714841779
Автор: McQuiston, L.
Graphic agitation 2: social and political graphics in the digital age
Издательство: Phaidon, 2004 г.
ISBN 9780714841779
74 M44
McQuiston, L.
Graphic agitation 2: social and political graphics in the digital age / L. McQuiston . – London : Phaidon, 2004 . – 240 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780714841779 .
74 M44
McQuiston, L.
Graphic agitation 2: social and political graphics in the digital age / L. McQuiston . – London : Phaidon, 2004 . – 240 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780714841779 .
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