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Электронный каталог: Süleyman the Magnificent and his Age the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World
Süleyman the Magnificent and his Age the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World
Süleyman the Magnificent and his Age the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World
Издательство: Longman, 1995 г.
ISBN 9780582038271
Süleyman the Magnificent and his Age the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World
Издательство: Longman, 1995 г.
ISBN 9780582038271
Süleyman the Magnificent and his Age the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World / Ed. M. Kunt, C. Woodhead . – London : Longman, 1995 . – xiii, 218 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780582038271 .
General = History
Süleyman the Magnificent and his Age the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World / Ed. M. Kunt, C. Woodhead . – London : Longman, 1995 . – xiii, 218 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780582038271 .
General = History