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Электронный каталог: Schneiderman, J. - Sergei Zubatov and revolutionary marxism : the struggle for the working class in tsarist Russia
Schneiderman, J. - Sergei Zubatov and revolutionary marxism : the struggle for the working class in tsarist Russia
Автор: Schneiderman, J.
Sergei Zubatov and revolutionary marxism : the struggle for the working class in tsarist Russia
Издательство: Cornell University Press, 1976 г.
ISBN 9780801408762
Автор: Schneiderman, J.
Sergei Zubatov and revolutionary marxism : the struggle for the working class in tsarist Russia
Издательство: Cornell University Press, 1976 г.
ISBN 9780801408762
Schneiderman, J.
Sergei Zubatov and revolutionary marxism : the struggle for the working class in tsarist Russia / J. Schneiderman . – Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1976 . – 401 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780801408762 .
History : History. Russia
Schneiderman, J.
Sergei Zubatov and revolutionary marxism : the struggle for the working class in tsarist Russia / J. Schneiderman . – Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1976 . – 401 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780801408762 .
History : History. Russia