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Электронный каталог: The World of the Russian peasant : post-emancipation culture and society
The World of the Russian peasant : post-emancipation culture and society
The World of the Russian peasant : post-emancipation culture and society
Издательство: Unwin Hyman, Inc., 1990 г.
ISBN 9780044454786
The World of the Russian peasant : post-emancipation culture and society
Издательство: Unwin Hyman, Inc., 1990 г.
ISBN 9780044454786
The World of the Russian peasant : post-emancipation culture and society / Ed. B. Eklof, S. Frank . – Boston : Unwin Hyman, Inc., 1990 . – 234 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780044454786 .
Cultural anthropology. Ethnography. Ethnology. Customs
The World of the Russian peasant : post-emancipation culture and society / Ed. B. Eklof, S. Frank . – Boston : Unwin Hyman, Inc., 1990 . – 234 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780044454786 .
Cultural anthropology. Ethnography. Ethnology. Customs