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Электронный каталог: Kershaw, I. - The "Hitler myth" : image and reality in the Third Reich
Kershaw, I. - The "Hitler myth" : image and reality in the Third Reich
Автор: Kershaw, I.
The "Hitler myth" : image and reality in the Third Reich
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 1987 г.
ISBN 9780192802064
Автор: Kershaw, I.
The "Hitler myth" : image and reality in the Third Reich
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 1987 г.
ISBN 9780192802064
321.6 K37
Kershaw, I.
The "Hitler myth" : image and reality in the Third Reich : пер. с нем. / I. Kershaw . – new ed . – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1987 . – xii, 299 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780192802064 .
General = History
Politics : Politics. Europe
Politics : Forms of political organization. States as political powers : Non-democratic regimes. Dictatorship.
321.6 K37
Kershaw, I.
The "Hitler myth" : image and reality in the Third Reich : пер. с нем. / I. Kershaw . – new ed . – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1987 . – xii, 299 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780192802064 .
General = History
Politics : Politics. Europe
Politics : Forms of political organization. States as political powers : Non-democratic regimes. Dictatorship.
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