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Электронный каталог: Aral, S. - The hype machine: how social media disrupts our elections, our economy, and our health - and... h...
Aral, S. - The hype machine: how social media disrupts our elections, our economy, and our health - and... h...
Автор: Aral, S.
The hype machine: how social media disrupts our elections, our economy, and our health - and... h...
Издательство: Currency, 2020 г.
ISBN 9780525574514
Автор: Aral, S.
The hype machine: how social media disrupts our elections, our economy, and our health - and... h...
Издательство: Currency, 2020 г.
ISBN 9780525574514
316.7 A70
Aral, S.
The hype machine: how social media disrupts our elections, our economy, and our health - and... how we must adapt / S. Aral . – New York : Currency, 2020 . – xv, 390 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780525574514 .
General = Sociology
General = Sociology : Social Media. Communication studies. Sociology of culture
316.7 A70
Aral, S.
The hype machine: how social media disrupts our elections, our economy, and our health - and... how we must adapt / S. Aral . – New York : Currency, 2020 . – xv, 390 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780525574514 .
General = Sociology
General = Sociology : Social Media. Communication studies. Sociology of culture
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