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Электронный каталог: Spiro, S. - An Arabic - English dictionary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt
Spiro, S. - An Arabic - English dictionary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt
Автор: Spiro, S.
An Arabic - English dictionary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt : containing the vernacular idioms and expressions, slang phrases, vocables, etc. used by the native Egyptians
Издательство: Librarie du Liban, 1999 г.
ISBN 9780948690204
Автор: Spiro, S.
An Arabic - English dictionary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt : containing the vernacular idioms and expressions, slang phrases, vocables, etc. used by the native Egyptians
Издательство: Librarie du Liban, 1999 г.
ISBN 9780948690204
811.411.21(03) S78
Spiro, S.
An Arabic - English dictionary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt : containing the vernacular idioms and expressions, slang phrases, vocables, etc. used by the native Egyptians / S. Spiro . – Beirut : Librarie du Liban, 1999 . – 602 p. – На англ., араб. яз. - ISBN 9780948690204 .
General = Arabic Language
811.411.21(03) S78
Spiro, S.
An Arabic - English dictionary of the colloquial Arabic of Egypt : containing the vernacular idioms and expressions, slang phrases, vocables, etc. used by the native Egyptians / S. Spiro . – Beirut : Librarie du Liban, 1999 . – 602 p. – На англ., араб. яз. - ISBN 9780948690204 .
General = Arabic Language
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