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Личный кабинет :
Электронный каталог: Multiparameter bifurcation theory
Multiparameter bifurcation theory
Multiparameter bifurcation theory : Proceedings of a summer research conference held July 14-20, 1985
Серия: Contemporary mathematics
Издательство: American Mathematical Society, 1986 г.
ISBN 0-8218-5060-1
Multiparameter bifurcation theory : Proceedings of a summer research conference held July 14-20, 1985
Серия: Contemporary mathematics
Издательство: American Mathematical Society, 1986 г.
ISBN 0-8218-5060-1
51 M94
Multiparameter bifurcation theory : Proceedings of a summer research conference held July 14-20, 1985 / Ed. M. Golubitsky, J. M. Guckenheimer . – Providence : American Mathematical Society, 1986 . – xvii, 387 p. – (Contemporary mathematics ; v. 56) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 0-8218-5060-1 .
General = Mathematics
General = Physics
Коллекции = Математическая библиотека
51 M94
Multiparameter bifurcation theory : Proceedings of a summer research conference held July 14-20, 1985 / Ed. M. Golubitsky, J. M. Guckenheimer . – Providence : American Mathematical Society, 1986 . – xvii, 387 p. – (Contemporary mathematics ; v. 56) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 0-8218-5060-1 .
General = Mathematics
General = Physics
Коллекции = Математическая библиотека
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