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Личный кабинет :
Электронный каталог: Systems and policies for the global learning economy
Systems and policies for the global learning economy
Systems and policies for the global learning economy
Серия: International series on technology policy and innovation
Издательство: Praeger Publishers, 2003 г.
ISBN 9781567204766
Systems and policies for the global learning economy
Серия: International series on technology policy and innovation
Издательство: Praeger Publishers, 2003 г.
ISBN 9781567204766
37 S98
Systems and policies for the global learning economy / Ed. D. Gibson . – Westport, Conn. : Praeger Publishers, 2003 . – 566 p. – (International series on technology policy and innovation) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781567204766 .
37 S98
Systems and policies for the global learning economy / Ed. D. Gibson . – Westport, Conn. : Praeger Publishers, 2003 . – 566 p. – (International series on technology policy and innovation) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781567204766 .
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