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Электронный каталог: Laclau, E. - Hegemony and socialist strategy towards a radical democratic politics
Laclau, E. - Hegemony and socialist strategy towards a radical democratic politics
Автор: Laclau, E.
Hegemony and socialist strategy towards a radical democratic politics
Издательство: Verso, 2014 г.
ISBN 978-1-78168-154-1
Автор: Laclau, E.
Hegemony and socialist strategy towards a radical democratic politics
Издательство: Verso, 2014 г.
ISBN 978-1-78168-154-1
32 L12
Laclau, E.
Hegemony and socialist strategy towards a radical democratic politics : пер. с фр. / E. Laclau, C. Mouffe . – 2nd ed . – London, New York : Verso, 2014 . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-78168-154-1 .
General = Politics
32 L12
Laclau, E.
Hegemony and socialist strategy towards a radical democratic politics : пер. с фр. / E. Laclau, C. Mouffe . – 2nd ed . – London, New York : Verso, 2014 . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-78168-154-1 .
General = Politics
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