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Электронный каталог: Institutional design in new democracies: Eastern Europe and Latin America
Institutional design in new democracies: Eastern Europe and Latin America
Institutional design in new democracies: Eastern Europe and Latin America
Серия: Latin America in Global Perspective
Издательство: Westview Press, 1996 г.
ISBN 9780813321097, 0813321093
Institutional design in new democracies: Eastern Europe and Latin America
Серия: Latin America in Global Perspective
Издательство: Westview Press, 1996 г.
ISBN 9780813321097, 0813321093
321.7 I-68
Institutional design in new democracies: Eastern Europe and Latin America / Ed. A. Lijphart, C. H. Waisman . – [б. м.] Westview Press, 1996 . – 265 p. – (Latin America in Global Perspective) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780813321097 . - ISBN 0813321093 .
Politics : Politics. Former USSR. Eastern Europe
Politics : Politics. Latin America
Politics : Forms of political organization. States as political powers : Democracy
321.7 I-68
Institutional design in new democracies: Eastern Europe and Latin America / Ed. A. Lijphart, C. H. Waisman . – [б. м.] Westview Press, 1996 . – 265 p. – (Latin America in Global Perspective) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9780813321097 . - ISBN 0813321093 .
Politics : Politics. Former USSR. Eastern Europe
Politics : Politics. Latin America
Politics : Forms of political organization. States as political powers : Democracy
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