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Электронный каталог: Ranking the world: grading states as a tool of global governance
Ranking the world: grading states as a tool of global governance
Ranking the world: grading states as a tool of global governance
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2016 г.
ISBN 978-1-1074-8412-2
Ranking the world: grading states as a tool of global governance
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2016 г.
ISBN 978-1-1074-8412-2
32 R20
Ranking the world: grading states as a tool of global governance / Ed. A. Cooley, J. Snyder . – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016 . – 241 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-1074-8412-2 .
Politics : International relations. World, global politics. International affairs. Foreign policy
32 R20
Ranking the world: grading states as a tool of global governance / Ed. A. Cooley, J. Snyder . – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016 . – 241 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-1074-8412-2 .
Politics : International relations. World, global politics. International affairs. Foreign policy
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