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Электронный каталог: Mandel, M. J. - Rational exuberance: silencing the enemies of growth and why the future Is better than you think
Mandel, M. J. - Rational exuberance: silencing the enemies of growth and why the future Is better than you think
Автор: Mandel, M. J.
Rational exuberance: silencing the enemies of growth and why the future Is better than you think
Издательство: Collins, 2004 г.
ISBN 978-0-0605-8049-0
Автор: Mandel, M. J.
Rational exuberance: silencing the enemies of growth and why the future Is better than you think
Издательство: Collins, 2004 г.
ISBN 978-0-0605-8049-0
330.3 M24
Mandel, M. J.
Rational exuberance: silencing the enemies of growth and why the future Is better than you think / M. J. Mandel . – New York : Collins, 2004 . – 200 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-0-0605-8049-0 .
General = Economic Growth. Investments. Economic development
330.3 M24
Mandel, M. J.
Rational exuberance: silencing the enemies of growth and why the future Is better than you think / M. J. Mandel . – New York : Collins, 2004 . – 200 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-0-0605-8049-0 .
General = Economic Growth. Investments. Economic development
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