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Электронный каталог: Weele, A. J. van - Purchasing and supply chain management : analysis, strategy, planning and practice
Weele, A. J. van - Purchasing and supply chain management : analysis, strategy, planning and practice
Автор: Weele, A. J. van
Purchasing and supply chain management : analysis, strategy, planning and practice
Издательство: Cengage Learning, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-1-408-01896-5
Автор: Weele, A. J. van
Purchasing and supply chain management : analysis, strategy, planning and practice
Издательство: Cengage Learning, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-1-408-01896-5
Weele, A. J. van.
Purchasing and supply chain management : analysis, strategy, planning and practice / A. J. van Weele . – 5th edition . – Andover : Cengage Learning, 2010 . – 418 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-408-01896-5 .
In an era of unprecedented turbulence and change, Arjan J. van Weele's market-leading textbook keeps you up-to-speed with the latest developments in purchasing and supply chain management theory and practice. Employing a flexible managerial perspective, "Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition" walks you through the core concepts, strategy, and implementation to provide the complete introduction for modern courses. Global examples from organizations including Volvo, Intel, Shell, Sony and Tesco reveal the practical challenges of today's purchasing processes, while the latest research insights add a critical perspective throughout. New chapters on services buying, socially responsible purchasing and category sourcing strategies - amongst many other wholly revised sections - reflect the latest developments, while new Integrative Cases consolidate your learning to leave you ready for purchasing in the 21st century.
General = Logistics: Supply chain management
Коллекции = Открытая научная библиотека
Weele, A. J. van.
Purchasing and supply chain management : analysis, strategy, planning and practice / A. J. van Weele . – 5th edition . – Andover : Cengage Learning, 2010 . – 418 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-408-01896-5 .
In an era of unprecedented turbulence and change, Arjan J. van Weele's market-leading textbook keeps you up-to-speed with the latest developments in purchasing and supply chain management theory and practice. Employing a flexible managerial perspective, "Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition" walks you through the core concepts, strategy, and implementation to provide the complete introduction for modern courses. Global examples from organizations including Volvo, Intel, Shell, Sony and Tesco reveal the practical challenges of today's purchasing processes, while the latest research insights add a critical perspective throughout. New chapters on services buying, socially responsible purchasing and category sourcing strategies - amongst many other wholly revised sections - reflect the latest developments, while new Integrative Cases consolidate your learning to leave you ready for purchasing in the 21st century.
General = Logistics: Supply chain management
Коллекции = Открытая научная библиотека