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Электронный каталог: Energy modelling : advances in the management of uncertainty
Energy modelling : advances in the management of uncertainty
Energy modelling : advances in the management of uncertainty
Издательство: Risk Books, 2005 г.
ISBN 978-1-904339-42-7
Energy modelling : advances in the management of uncertainty
Издательство: Risk Books, 2005 г.
ISBN 978-1-904339-42-7
338.4 E54
Energy modelling : advances in the management of uncertainty / Ed. V. Kaminski . – London : Risk Books, 2005 . – 420 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-904339-42-7 .
An industry acclaimed bestseller - Energy Modelling has been extensively revised, updated and extended for the markets of 2005. This second edition is your detailed guide to how the tools of quantitative finance are being applied to the fast moving world of energy trading.
Industrial economics and organization
General = Mathematical Methods and Models in Economics and Management. Econometrics
Коллекции = Открытая научная библиотека
338.4 E54
Energy modelling : advances in the management of uncertainty / Ed. V. Kaminski . – London : Risk Books, 2005 . – 420 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-904339-42-7 .
An industry acclaimed bestseller - Energy Modelling has been extensively revised, updated and extended for the markets of 2005. This second edition is your detailed guide to how the tools of quantitative finance are being applied to the fast moving world of energy trading.
Industrial economics and organization
General = Mathematical Methods and Models in Economics and Management. Econometrics
Коллекции = Открытая научная библиотека
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