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Электронный каталог: Clusters facing competition: the importance of external linkages
Clusters facing competition: the importance of external linkages
Clusters facing competition: the importance of external linkages
Издательство: Ashgate, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-7546-4461-8
Clusters facing competition: the importance of external linkages
Издательство: Ashgate, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-7546-4461-8
338.4 C63
Clusters facing competition: the importance of external linkages / Ed. E. Giuliani, R. Rabellotti, M. P. van Dijk . – Aldershot, Hampshire, UK : Ashgate, 2005 . – 298 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 0-7546-4461-8 .
This book explores the external sources of industrial cluster competitiveness and examines how they complement, integrate and substitute local, intra-cluster networks. The novelty of this book is to merge the cluster approach with two other conceptual approaches, which have become increasingly popular in cluster and development studies: on the one hand, the Global Value Chains and their role in cluster upgrading processes; on the other, the National Systems of Innovation (NSIs) and their role in supporting the development of clusters in a national territory. The book explores these issues with empirical evidence from different countries in Latin America, Asia and the industrialised world.
Industrial economics and organization
General = Business. Entrepreneurship.
Коллекции = Открытая научная библиотека
338.4 C63
Clusters facing competition: the importance of external linkages / Ed. E. Giuliani, R. Rabellotti, M. P. van Dijk . – Aldershot, Hampshire, UK : Ashgate, 2005 . – 298 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 0-7546-4461-8 .
This book explores the external sources of industrial cluster competitiveness and examines how they complement, integrate and substitute local, intra-cluster networks. The novelty of this book is to merge the cluster approach with two other conceptual approaches, which have become increasingly popular in cluster and development studies: on the one hand, the Global Value Chains and their role in cluster upgrading processes; on the other, the National Systems of Innovation (NSIs) and their role in supporting the development of clusters in a national territory. The book explores these issues with empirical evidence from different countries in Latin America, Asia and the industrialised world.
Industrial economics and organization
General = Business. Entrepreneurship.
Коллекции = Открытая научная библиотека
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