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Электронный каталог: A Companion to Global Environmental History
A Companion to Global Environmental History
A Companion to Global Environmental History
Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 г.
ISBN 9781118977538
A Companion to Global Environmental History
Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 г.
ISBN 9781118977538
930.85 C73
A Companion to Global Environmental History / Ed. J. R. McNeill, E. S. Mauldin . – Chichester, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 . – 560 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781118977538 .
The Companion to Global Environmental History offers multiple points of entry into the history and historiography of this dynamic and fast-growing field, to provide an essential road map to past developments, current controversies, and future developments for specialists and newcomers alike. * Combines temporal, geographic, thematic and contextual approaches from prehistory to the present day * Explores environmental thought and action around the world, to give readers a cultural, intellectual and political context for engagement with the environment in modern times * Brings together environmental historians from around the world, including scholars from South Africa, Brazil, Germany, and China
History. Civilizations
Коллекции = Немецкая коллекция по истории (DFG)
930.85 C73
A Companion to Global Environmental History / Ed. J. R. McNeill, E. S. Mauldin . – Chichester, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 . – 560 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781118977538 .
The Companion to Global Environmental History offers multiple points of entry into the history and historiography of this dynamic and fast-growing field, to provide an essential road map to past developments, current controversies, and future developments for specialists and newcomers alike. * Combines temporal, geographic, thematic and contextual approaches from prehistory to the present day * Explores environmental thought and action around the world, to give readers a cultural, intellectual and political context for engagement with the environment in modern times * Brings together environmental historians from around the world, including scholars from South Africa, Brazil, Germany, and China
History. Civilizations
Коллекции = Немецкая коллекция по истории (DFG)
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