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Электронный каталог: Agnoletti, M. - The basic environmental history
Agnoletti, M. - The basic environmental history
Автор: Agnoletti, M.
The basic environmental history
Издательство: Springer, 2014 г.
ISBN 9783319091792
Автор: Agnoletti, M.
The basic environmental history
Издательство: Springer, 2014 г.
ISBN 9783319091792
930.85 A25
Agnoletti, M.
The basic environmental history / M. Agnoletti ; Ed. S. Neri Serneri . – Cham : Springer, 2014 . – 253 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9783319091792 .
This book is an introductory instrument to the main themes of environmental history, illustrating its development over time, methodological implications, results achieved and those still under discussion. But the overriding aspiration is to show that the doubts, methods and knowledge elaborated by environmental history have a heuristic value that is far from negligible precisely in its attitude to the most consolidated major historiography. For this reason, this book gives an overview of environmental history as it is an essential component of the basic knowledge of global history. At the same time, it introduces specific aspects which are useful both for anyone wanting to deepen his/her studies of environmental historiography and for those interested in one of the many disciplinary areas – from rural history to urban history, from the history of technology to the history of public health, etc. with which environmental history develops a dialogue.
History. Civilizations
Коллекции = Немецкая коллекция по истории (DFG)
930.85 A25
Agnoletti, M.
The basic environmental history / M. Agnoletti ; Ed. S. Neri Serneri . – Cham : Springer, 2014 . – 253 p. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9783319091792 .
This book is an introductory instrument to the main themes of environmental history, illustrating its development over time, methodological implications, results achieved and those still under discussion. But the overriding aspiration is to show that the doubts, methods and knowledge elaborated by environmental history have a heuristic value that is far from negligible precisely in its attitude to the most consolidated major historiography. For this reason, this book gives an overview of environmental history as it is an essential component of the basic knowledge of global history. At the same time, it introduces specific aspects which are useful both for anyone wanting to deepen his/her studies of environmental historiography and for those interested in one of the many disciplinary areas – from rural history to urban history, from the history of technology to the history of public health, etc. with which environmental history develops a dialogue.
History. Civilizations
Коллекции = Немецкая коллекция по истории (DFG)
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