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--> Urban Construction. Planning. Landscapes
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--> Urban Construction. Planning. Landscapes
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- Urban Construction. Planning. Landscapes
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Связанные описания:

Chua, L.
Bangkok utopia : modern architecture and Buddhist felicities, 1910-1973
University of Hawaii Press, 2021 г.
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Chua, L.
Bangkok utopia : modern architecture and Buddhist felicities, 1910-1973
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Rese, M. I.
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Rese, M. I.
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Routledge, 2019 г.
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MacCallum, Diana
Doing research in urban and regional planning: lessons in practical methods
Routledge, 2019 г.
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NAi Publishers, 2003 г.
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NAi Publishers, 2003 г.
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Casiroli, F.
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Power in Stone: Cities as Symbols of Empire
Reaktion Books, 2014 г.
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Mackenzie, J. M.
The British Empire through buildings: Structure, function and meaning
Manchester University Press, 2020 г.
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Mackenzie, J. M.
The British Empire through buildings: Structure, function and meaning
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Jovis, 2000 г.
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Jovis, 2000 г.
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Aldous, T.
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Urban Villages Group, 1992 г.
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Aldous, T.
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Koekebakker, O.
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NAi Publishers, 2003 г.
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Koekebakker, O.
Westergasfabriek Culture Park: Transformation of a former industrial site in Amsterdam
NAi Publishers, 2003 г.
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Балабнев, В.
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