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Oxford University Press
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Связанные описания:

Lyandres, S.
The fall of tsarism: untold stories of the February 1917 Revolution
Oxford University Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 9780191640711
Lyandres, S.
The fall of tsarism: untold stories of the February 1917 Revolution
Oxford University Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 9780191640711
Fujimoto, T.
The evolution of a manufacturing system at Toyota
Oxford University Press, 1999 г.
ISBN 9780195123203
Fujimoto, T.
The evolution of a manufacturing system at Toyota
Oxford University Press, 1999 г.
ISBN 9780195123203
The Japanese economic system and its historical origins
Oxford University Press, 1999 г.
ISBN 9780198289012
The Japanese economic system and its historical origins
Oxford University Press, 1999 г.
ISBN 9780198289012
The Japanese firm : the sources of competitive strength
Oxford University Press, 2008 г.
ISBN 9780198292159
The Japanese firm : the sources of competitive strength
Oxford University Press, 2008 г.
ISBN 9780198292159
Gender and development : the Japanese experience in comparative perspective
Oxford University Press, 2005 г.
ISBN 9781403949448
Gender and development : the Japanese experience in comparative perspective
Oxford University Press, 2005 г.
ISBN 9781403949448
Heine, S.
From Chinese Chan to Japanese Zen : a remarkable century of transmission and transformation
Oxford University Press, 2018 г.
ISBN 9780190637507
Heine, S.
From Chinese Chan to Japanese Zen : a remarkable century of transmission and transformation
Oxford University Press, 2018 г.
ISBN 9780190637507
Hashimoto, A.
The long defeat : cultural trauma, memory, and identity in Japan
Oxford University Press, 2015 г.
ISBN 9780190239169
Hashimoto, A.
The long defeat : cultural trauma, memory, and identity in Japan
Oxford University Press, 2015 г.
ISBN 9780190239169
Gordon, A.
A modern history of Japan : from Tokugawa times to the present
Oxford University Press, 2020 г.
ISBN 9780190920555
Gordon, A.
A modern history of Japan : from Tokugawa times to the present
Oxford University Press, 2020 г.
ISBN 9780190920555
Rebick, M.
The Japanese employment system : adapting to a new economic environment
Oxford University Press, 2005 г.
ISBN 9780199247240
Rebick, M.
The Japanese employment system : adapting to a new economic environment
Oxford University Press, 2005 г.
ISBN 9780199247240
Empires at war : 1911-1923
ISBN 9780198734932
Empires at war : 1911-1923
Серия: Greater war
Oxford University Press, 2015 г.ISBN 9780198734932
Kershaw, I.
The "Hitler myth" : image and reality in the Third Reich
Oxford University Press, 1987 г.
ISBN 9780192802064
Kershaw, I.
The "Hitler myth" : image and reality in the Third Reich
Oxford University Press, 1987 г.
ISBN 9780192802064
Bruce, G.
Through the Lion Gate: A History of the Berlin Zoo
Oxford University Press, 2017 г.
ISBN 978-0190234980
Bruce, G.
Through the Lion Gate: A History of the Berlin Zoo
Oxford University Press, 2017 г.
ISBN 978-0190234980
Oxford handbook of the history of nationalism
Oxford University Press, 2016 г.
ISBN 9780198768203
Oxford handbook of the history of nationalism
Oxford University Press, 2016 г.
ISBN 9780198768203
The Oxford handbook of the history of communism
Oxford University Press, 2017 г.
ISBN 9780198779414
The Oxford handbook of the history of communism
Oxford University Press, 2017 г.
ISBN 9780198779414
Smith, A. D.
The nation made real : art and national identity in Western Europe, 1600-1850
Oxford University Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 9780199662975
Smith, A. D.
The nation made real : art and national identity in Western Europe, 1600-1850
Oxford University Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 9780199662975
Howe, S.
Empire : a very short introduction
ISBN 9780192802231
Howe, S.
Empire : a very short introduction
Серия: Very short introductions
Oxford University Press, 2002 г.ISBN 9780192802231
Doyle, W.
The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction
Oxford University Press, 2019 г.
ISBN 978-0-19-884007-7
Doyle, W.
The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction
Oxford University Press, 2019 г.
ISBN 978-0-19-884007-7
Richards, J.
The Railway Station: A Social History
Oxford University Press, 1986 г.
ISBN 978-0-19-215876-5
Richards, J.
The Railway Station: A Social History
Oxford University Press, 1986 г.
ISBN 978-0-19-215876-5
Freeden, M.
Liberalism: A Very Short Introduction
Oxford University Press, 2015 г.
ISBN 9780199670437
Freeden, M.
Liberalism: A Very Short Introduction
Oxford University Press, 2015 г.
ISBN 9780199670437
Salvatore, D.
Managerial Economics in a Global Economy: principles and worldwide applications
Oxford University Press, 2015 г.
ISBN 978-0199397150
Salvatore, D.
Managerial Economics in a Global Economy: principles and worldwide applications
Oxford University Press, 2015 г.
ISBN 978-0199397150
Bynum, William
The history of medicine: a very short introduction
ISBN 978-0-19-921543-0
Bynum, William
The history of medicine: a very short introduction
Серия: Very short introductions
Oxford University Press, 2008 г.ISBN 978-0-19-921543-0
The Oxford handbook of Japanese philosophy
Oxford University Press, 2022 г.
ISBN 978-0-19-765058-5
The Oxford handbook of Japanese philosophy
Oxford University Press, 2022 г.
ISBN 978-0-19-765058-5
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- Japan business and economics series
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