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The Mamluk sultanate from the perspective of regional and world history. Economic, social and cul...
ISBN 978-3-8471-0411-7
/ : к. Грибоедова, 123
The Mamluk sultanate from the perspective of regional and world history. Economic, social and cul...
Серия: Mamluk studies
V&R unipress, 2019 г.ISBN 978-3-8471-0411-7
/ : к. Грибоедова, 123
D'hulster, Kristof
Browsing through the Sultan's bookshelves. Towards a Reconstruction of the Library of the Mamluk ...
ISBN 978-3-8471-1292-1
/ : к. Грибоедова, 123
D'hulster, Kristof
Browsing through the Sultan's bookshelves. Towards a Reconstruction of the Library of the Mamluk ...
Серия: Mamluk Studies
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021 г.ISBN 978-3-8471-1292-1
/ : к. Грибоедова, 123