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Somakian, M.
Empires in conflict : Armenia and the great powers, 1895-1920
Tauris Academic Studies, 1995 г.
ISBN 9781850439127
Somakian, M.
Empires in conflict : Armenia and the great powers, 1895-1920
Tauris Academic Studies, 1995 г.
ISBN 9781850439127
Murray, A. V.
The clash of cultures on the medieval Baltic frontier
Ashgate, 2009 г.
ISBN 9780754664833
Murray, A. V.
The clash of cultures on the medieval Baltic frontier
Ashgate, 2009 г.
ISBN 9780754664833
Smith, G. S.
D.S. Mirsky : a Russian-English life, 1890-1939
Oxford University Press, 2000 г.
ISBN 9780198160069
Smith, G. S.
D.S. Mirsky : a Russian-English life, 1890-1939
Oxford University Press, 2000 г.
ISBN 9780198160069
Ingrao, C. W.
The Habsburg Monarchy : 1618-1815
Cambridge University Press, 1995 г.
ISBN 9780521389006
Ingrao, C. W.
The Habsburg Monarchy : 1618-1815
Cambridge University Press, 1995 г.
ISBN 9780521389006
Itzkowitz, N.
Ottoman empire and Islamic tradition
The University Of Chicago Press, 1988 г.
ISBN 9780226388069
Itzkowitz, N.
Ottoman empire and Islamic tradition
The University Of Chicago Press, 1988 г.
ISBN 9780226388069
Korth, E. H.
Spanish policy in colonial Chile
Stanford University Press, 1968 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Korth, E. H.
Spanish policy in colonial Chile
Stanford University Press, 1968 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Le Sueur, J. D.
Uncivil war : intellectuals and identity politics during the decolonization of Algeria
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001 г.
ISBN 9780812235883
Le Sueur, J. D.
Uncivil war : intellectuals and identity politics during the decolonization of Algeria
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001 г.
ISBN 9780812235883
Fortna, B.
Imperial classroom : Islam, the state, and education in the late Ottoman empire
Oxford University Press, 2002 г.
ISBN 9780199248407
Fortna, B.
Imperial classroom : Islam, the state, and education in the late Ottoman empire
Oxford University Press, 2002 г.
ISBN 9780199248407
Kearns, G.
Geopolitics and empire : the legacy of Halford Mackinder
Oxford University Press, 2009 г.
ISBN 9780199230112
Kearns, G.
Geopolitics and empire : the legacy of Halford Mackinder
Oxford University Press, 2009 г.
ISBN 9780199230112
Ceadel, M.
Living the great illusion : Sir Norman Angell, 1872-1967
Oxford University Press, 2009 г.
ISBN 9780199571161
Ceadel, M.
Living the great illusion : Sir Norman Angell, 1872-1967
Oxford University Press, 2009 г.
ISBN 9780199571161
Balfour, S.
The end of the Spanish empire, 1898-1923
Clarendon Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 9780198205074
Balfour, S.
The end of the Spanish empire, 1898-1923
Clarendon Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 9780198205074
Rozenblit, M.
Reconstructing a national identity : the Jews of Habsburg Austria during World War I
Oxford University Press, 2001 г.
ISBN 9780195134650
Rozenblit, M.
Reconstructing a national identity : the Jews of Habsburg Austria during World War I
Oxford University Press, 2001 г.
ISBN 9780195134650
Reynolds, D.
Britannia Overruled - British Policy and World Power in the 20th Cent.
Longman, 1991 г.
ISBN 9780582552760
Reynolds, D.
Britannia Overruled - British Policy and World Power in the 20th Cent.
Longman, 1991 г.
ISBN 9780582552760
Россия, Запад и мусульманский Восток в колониальную эпоху
Дмитрий Буланин, 1996 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Россия, Запад и мусульманский Восток в колониальную эпоху
Дмитрий Буланин, 1996 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Piouffre, G.
La guerre russo-japonaise sur mer : 1904-1905
Nantes Marines, 1999 г.
ISBN 9782909675565
Piouffre, G.
La guerre russo-japonaise sur mer : 1904-1905
Nantes Marines, 1999 г.
ISBN 9782909675565
The Habsburg legacy : national identity in historical perspective
Edinburgh University Press, 1995 г.
ISBN 9780748604876
The Habsburg legacy : national identity in historical perspective
Edinburgh University Press, 1995 г.
ISBN 9780748604876
Удалова, Г. М.
Йемен в период первого османского завоевания (1538-1635)
Наука, 1988 г.
ISBN 5-02-016451-8
Удалова, Г. М.
Йемен в период первого османского завоевания (1538-1635)
Наука, 1988 г.
ISBN 5-02-016451-8
Thorne, C.
Allies of a kind : the United States, Britain, and the war against Japan, 1941-1945
Oxford University Press, 1978 г.
ISBN 9780192850850
Thorne, C.
Allies of a kind : the United States, Britain, and the war against Japan, 1941-1945
Oxford University Press, 1978 г.
ISBN 9780192850850
Yapp, M.
The making of the modern Near East 1792-1923
ISBN 9780582493803
Yapp, M.
The making of the modern Near East 1792-1923
Серия: History of the Near East
Routledge, 1987 г.ISBN 9780582493803
MacMillan, M.
The war that ended peace : the road to 1914
Random House, 2013 г.
ISBN 9781846682728
MacMillan, M.
The war that ended peace : the road to 1914
Random House, 2013 г.
ISBN 9781846682728