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Электронный каталог: Книги в рубрике:
--> Production and Operations Management. Human Resources and Personnel Management. Knowledge and Information Management. Team Work.
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--> Production and Operations Management. Human Resources and Personnel Management. Knowledge and Information Management. Team Work.
- Название:
- Production and Operations Management. Human Resources and Personnel Management. Knowledge and Information Management. Team Work.
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Связанные описания:

Armstrong, M.
A handbook of human resource management practice
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Armstrong, M.
A handbook of human resource management practice
Kogan Page, 2006 г.
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Bloisi, W.
An introduction to human resource management
McGraw-Hill Education, 2007 г.
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Bloisi, W.
An introduction to human resource management
McGraw-Hill Education, 2007 г.
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Redman, T.
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Redman, T.
Contemporary human resource management: text and cases
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Connolly, P.
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Connolly, P.
Employee opinion questionnaires : 20 ready-to-use surveys that work
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O'Leary, D. E.
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O'Leary, D. E.
Enterprise resource planning systems: systems, life cycle, electronic commerce, and risk
Cambridge University Press, 2000 г.
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Noe, R. A.
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Noe, R. A.
Fundamentals of human resource management
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Human resource management: gaining a competitive advantage
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Bratton, J.
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Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 г.
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Bratton, J.
Human resource management: theory and practice
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Dreher, G.
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Lazear, E. P.
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Living strategy: putting people at the heart of corporate purpose
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Slack, N.
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Slack, N.
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Dierdonck, R.
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